Frequently Asked Questions About Teleradiology

Learn More About Teleradiology and Our Cutting Edge, Cost Effective, Teleradiology Services

Answers To Your Most Frequently Asked Questions About Teleradiology

Is there direct access to the radiologists when needed?

Yes, all radiologists are accessible for questions or concerns.

What is the turnaround time for stat exams?

Stat reports can be finalized within 30 minutes or less!

Which modalities do you read?

Xray, MRI, CT, Ultrasounds, Cardiac Echos or Ultrasounds, PET CT, and Mammography.

Does Advanced Telemed Services have subspecialty radiologists?

Yes! We have subspecialty coverage in musculoskeletal, neuroradiology, pediatrics, body imaging, nuclear medicine, breast imaging, cardiovascular and others as needed.

How do we access the reports after images are sent?

Our web based PACS enables you to view the reports electronically with a secure login. You can view the reports and the images side by side. We can also customize delivery options to best meet your needs.

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Get A Quote for Telemedicine Costs

You can reach us directly at (617) 909-4766 or simply fill out our user-friendly questionnaire. We look forward to understanding your requirements and providing you with a detailed proposal that aligns with your goals and budget. Don't hesitate to contact us today to take the first step towards incorporating telemedicine into your practice.

Get A Quote

Please provide a brief description of your healthcare practice or services. This could include information about the types of medical care you specialize in, the range of services you offer to your clients. Your input will help us understand your practice better and ensure we can address any specific needs or preferences. Thank you for taking the time to provide this valuable information

What is 7+4?

What clients say about us

We are very impressed with the robust technology that Advanced TeleMed Services has as well as the personal services and accurate reporting.

Kip G.

The Radiologists’ are superb in their expertise – providing thorough and comprehensive Radiology reports in a timely manner. The support staff provides exceptional administrative support for inquires, corrections, and credentialing. We’ve been utilizing services from this company for a number of years and have established great working relationships with all team-members.


Contact Us

To get a quote or learn more about our services, give us a call or fill out the form. We look forward to hearing from you!

7950 NW 53rd Street, Suite 337 Miami, FL 33166

Please provide a brief description of your healthcare practice or services. This could include information about the types of medical care you specialize in, the range of services you offer to your clients. Your input will help us understand your practice better and ensure we can address any specific needs or preferences. Thank you for taking the time to provide this valuable information

What is 7+4?